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Upper Phase

Assistant Headteacher (Upper Phase): Mrs Judith Davies

Welcome to the Upper Phase

Our Upper Phase comprises Year 9, Year 10, and Year 11 pupils. The make-up of the phase has been strategically designed to include pupils both preparing for their GCSEs (Year 9) and completing their GCSEs (Years 10-11). As such pupils receive first-class support and guidance.

In Year 9 there is a fortnightly timetable of fifty one hour lessons. The pupils have lessons in Art, Drama, English, French, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Music, PE, PSE, RE, Science, Technology and Welsh.

The curriculum is fully integrated to provide the necessary holistic approach within and across AoLEs. This includes in lesson design (chosen skills and content) and by providing cross-curricular rich tasks that link to various topics and themes.

In Years 10 and 11 pupils work towards accredited courses, for most pupils this will be GCSE or BTEC.

Pupils follow the compulsory core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. They then choose from a variety of options. The option box choices are designed to ensure that all pupils undertake a broad and relevant curriculum, which does not restrict future choices.

Option subjects include Art, ASDAN, Business Studies, Construction, Drama, Engineering, French, Food and Nutrition, Geography, German, Health & Social Care, History, Information Technology, Music, PE, Product Design, Public Services, Religious Studies, Sociology, Spanish, and Sports.

Pupils also study statutory lessons in Personal and Social Education, Religious Education, Physical Education, Welsh Baccalaureate and Welsh.  Equality and Diversity BTEC is offered to most groups.

For further details on the courses we offer in Years 10 and 11 at King Henry VIII 3-19 School please open the below link using Chrome.